New Strategy: Flügger Organic Puts the Painter First

The ‘Flügger Organic’ strategy focuses fully on the professional painter, robust and simple operations, and growth driven by more customers rather than acquisitions.

Flügger’s ambition is to be the natural first choice for professional painters. This means professional painters will take an even more prominent place at the forefront:

“Flügger is the best choice for quality-conscious painters, whether you paint professionally or privately. However, we are seeing a trend in the market where more and more private customers are choosing professionals for their painting jobs. This means we are intensifying our focus on our professional customers in the development of new paints, fillers, tools, and other solutions,” says Sune Schnack, CEO of Flügger.

This development has been underway in recent years, and the slogan of being the ‘supplier to the painting profession’ is an integral part of Flügger’s DNA. This is expected to become even stronger in the future:

“In the past year, we have moved closer to the painters and developed our partnerships. We do this by meeting our customers in their daily work to learn from them. That’s why we can launch products that solve painters' challenges and increase their productivity. For example, with Flügger Document Manager, which provides documentation, enabling painters to participate in the increasing number of sustainable building projects. This benefits our customers and therefore Flügger as well.”

As other concrete examples*, Sune Schnack mentions the launches of Dekso AÏR – the first paint with the Nordic Asthma-Allergy label, Asthma Allergy Nordic. Almost simultaneously, Flügger launched a complete wet room series, which reduces the actual working time for painters by 33%.

The common denominator for the products is that they make a real difference for both the environment and the working environment for painters:

“Our eco-labelled and asthma-allergy-labelled products must be attractive to painters so that they are used. This way, they make a real difference for the individual painter, who comes into contact with fresh paint every day. It is also the painters who use the largest volume, so this is where we can make the biggest difference for the environment and climate by focusing our efforts.”

Growth will be organic, with the largest increase outside the Nordics

Flügger’s new strategy also reflects that the company has the necessary experience, products, and development and production capacity to primarily grow organically rather than through acquisitions:

“We have been successful in our export markets and through our stores outside the Nordics. We will use the valuable experiences from the recent strategic period to continue and scale this model, which we expect will further strengthen our international growth. We are ready for growth because in recent years we have invested in the capacity of our factories,” says Sune Schnack, who emphasises that the Nordics will remain the company’s main market:

“We believe in the Nordics, which will continue to be our primary market. We have gained market share over the past year, and we believe this will continue with our strong focus on delivering solutions and services that make a difference in our customers’ everyday lives. However, we expect the largest growth to come from outside the mature Nordic market, which has relatively low economic growth, as the Eastern European markets, in particular, are expected to grow in the coming years,” says Sune Schnack.

Further information, contact:

Casper Paggio Hansson Felt, Communications Manager at Flügger Group

Tel.: +45 27 53 28 99 / Email: